The One-Stop Diversity and Inclusion Support Service for the Entertainment Industry
What is D and I?
Our industry is increasingly asking for diversity as a mandatory requirement and many organisations don’t know how to diversify their contacts in an effective way. With increased scrutiny and accountability in the entertainment industry affecting hiring and commissioning practices, D and I offers the practical help you need.
Exceed Targets
D and I offers production companies, organisations and broadcasters the tailored support they need, to not only meet diversity and inclusion targets, but to exceed them.
All levels
Operating as a single-point-of-contact, we utilise our UK wide, fully inclusive talent network (with a focus on under-represented groups, under-represented ethnicities, LGBTQIA+, Disabled, as well as addressing opportunity poverty and gender inequality). We can help you find on and off screen talent from all walks of life, and at all levels of experience – from trainee to HOD, intern to Executive or clerical to creative
Access to our network
From simply advertising roles across our network, to an end-to-end recruitment process, or targeted recommendations from our talent programmes alumni; we make it easy to find the talent you need with minimal drain on your resources
Bespoke support
Acting as a ‘bolt-on’ D&I Department for any organisation, we offer a bespoke and wrap around Support Service on the end of the phone, tailored to individual requirements and scale

How Does it work?

Who we are

D and I is brought to you by the team behind TriForce Creative Network. You can find more information on their work here.

TriForce Creative Network is a not-for-profit organisation that for the past 20 years has been providing a trusted and viable avenue for the industry to discover diverse talent

Providing opportunities for actors, writers, directors, producers and crew through MonologueSlam, WriterSlam, Get A Grip, The TriForce Short Film Festival and bespoke diversity programmes

Proceeds from D and I go towards supporting these initiatives, ensuring this vital work can continue to effect the positive change needed in our industry
D and I Clients

A selection of shows D and I has Supported: